Automated security configuration deployment systems with early error detection


Automated security configuration deployment systems with early error detection

The Egida project is a server orchestration system that allows to perform and deploy security configurations (custom control lists) over a machine infrastructure. These security configurations can shield and protect those servers by implementing the desired security measures depending on the server profile. Controls are sourced from the CIS Benchmarks, and we also need to obtain system information about each of the deployed servers to ensure proper deployment.


Aspida Domain Specific Language

Develops customized security configurations using Egida DSL

Using the new Domain Specific Language you can create your own hardening scripts depending on the state of the target machine. The language allows to select which points, sections or controls of the CIS Benchmarks will be executed as well as the possibility to modify the value of task variables such as passwords or users.

Through Aspida you can obtain information from the target machine such as which services are running, which packages are installed or the score of security auditing tools such as Lynis. This information can be used in conditional statements (IF-ELIF-ELSE) to decide which tasks are to be executed on a machine.

Applying ML techniques to detect anomalous user behaviors


Applying ML techniques to detect anomalous user behaviors

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Egida & Kassandra

By combining Egida and Kassandra you can achieve a system architecture with enhanced security through customized shielding and behavioral anomaly predictions.

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Eleifend lorem ornare

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Cubilia cep lobortis

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Non semper interdum

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Odio laoreet accumsan

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